Sunday, April 1, 2012

About the Site

We will feature a wide variety of content on this site and this post will be an easy reference to it. Quick Clicks will be the easiest way to navigate the site and it's content. Currently we have the following categories:

General Info
  • About Us - A few posts to help you understand our site.
  • News and Updates - Basic updates to the site that don't have anything to do with our regular content.

  • One Ups - Random bits we threw together just for the fun of it.
  • Shadow Dream - Machinima created by John using the MMO game Everquest II.

More info and content coming soon!

Legend of the Lunar Tales of the Final Dragon Breath Quest Phantasy VII - ½, Part 3

I tried to get just about every game in that reference that I could but I'm sure I missed a few good ones. Also, I think there's a character limit so I probably can't expand it much more anyhow.

I just love those good ol' RPGs though! The NPCs that repeat the same line over and over, those pesky little sidekicks, that goofy equipment progression (seriously, who makes wood swords?! Look, it's not a wooden sword, it's just a poorly made club!), and many other quirks of the genre.

I think some of my favorites are Earthbound (I wish I could keep those photos from the end of the game), Lunar (I love the original on Sega CD but I think the remakes were better), Final Fantasy VII (Woah! Wait! Did he just... I am going to &@#%ing kill Sephiroth!), and recently Lost Odyssey (To retain my manlihood: I was cutting up onions while I played... a lot of them).

Slash Pickupline

In MMOs, you can have your character perform emotes (aka: animations) by using what are called slash commands. For example, if I want to dance I just type "/dance" and my character will dance. Get it now? Slash Pickupline... Get it? Bah! Whatever!

I think what I love most about Garran is how oblivious he is to the reality of a situation. I'm not sure if that plays out much here, but it certainly will in upcoming videos!

Cleft Notes

This is my first attempt to integrate combat into my videos. I figured I could try using normal combat first knowing it would look second rate and of course, it wound up looking second-rate. I'm going to try a choreographed fight scene some time in the future although the regular fighting system does produce gems every now and then.

I figured out I could nearly mute just the character voice volume while leaving the background sounds so I could get the talking animations. As you can tell in this video, I found out afterwards as the sound completely mutes when certain characters talk.

I learned my lesson though so my later videos should gradually increase in quality as far as sound is concerned.

The particular area this is filmed in is called the Clefts of Rujark... hence the clever title!


As someone who likes ATI, I still get fed up with some of their weaker points... like the lack driver updates and general support. That might not be an issue anymore but I wouldn't know as I've had an NVidia for a little while now.

The voice of Boomba is the actual Boomba... or rather the direct in-game voice which Google tells me is none other than David Sobolov.

Through the Log-in Glass

Synesthezia originally started out as a goody two-shoes but I betrayed her over to Freeport mostly because I just like the city layout better. This video is a visualization of her internal reasoning with that choice. In reality, the only struggle I had was with my patience as I had to sit through several tedious quests to earn the trust of the Freeport citizens.

I did get a snazzy new achievement for it, so it's not all bad.

The title was one I was going to originally going to use for a web-comic starring the same character as well as a nod to the Alice in Wonderland books. The more you know!

All in the Guild

I have an entirely lovely guild mate who just adores it when I sing the theme from All in the Family in what I believe to be very bad impersonations of Archie and Edith. That inspiration led to this video and it was this video that made me realize how crappy it is I can't animate Toterhund.

Ah well, some things are to be left to the  imagination I guess...

With some luck, I will have an actual, and original, music video up!

As a side note: that entire room is Kaberu's personal in-game house which I decorated myself. The beginning to all of my videos which show a planet and stars/candles to show off the star of the video is one of the other rooms opposite this one. Back in my first video, The Merchant of Memories Lost, is also a room in my house that I sort of set up as a mini-strip mall... Why? I have no idea.

Dragon Raid!

It's always worth a chance for loot!

This is the first video with Leiche's tank pet, Toterhund. I can't say I use him very often during normal game play, but he's certainly the reliable and loyal type. I actually had a little skit I put together a long while back just as an audio clip where I used the same voice and name that I did for Toterhund in this bit. The skit involved a reporter and cameraman (Toter) who went around filming news bits inside MMOs. It never went anywhere but I plan on resurrecting the idea in a future skit by recreating the very same audio skits in video.

I'm very excited about that as I prefer to believe that fun ideas never die!

The Chase, Part 1

This is more an experiment to see how convincing I could make a scene with two of my characters while only being able to log into one at a time. I'd like to redo this video and I probably will, but I'm certainly not afraid to show my early work. Featuring my Beastlord, Kabequinn Doll and my main man and Berserker extraordinaire, Kaberu!


I actually had Leiche's personality almost verbatim to what Garran's personality turned out to be. Strange how characters wind up when you actually produce them. After I made this video I realized I kind of emulated a little bit of Nathan Fillion. I probably should have said his character Captain Hammer, but lets face it: Captain Hammer is mostly just Nathan Fillion anyway.

An Epic Quest

There is nothing quite like being the hero! Slayer of mighty dragons, vanquisher of mighty evils, retriever of mighty relics... and then being given a quest to retrieve 10 wolf pelts, 6 rat whiskers, or 15 crab legs.

And why is it when I kill a crab I only get one leg?

By the way, this video is featuring my lovable and hug-able character, Leiche Katz!

The Merchant of Memories Lost

While I enjoy role-players in MMOs, they can be quite tedious to converse with. I just want to find an NPC, I don't want to know about your cloak blowing in the wind while you gaze upon the forgotten memories of long ago! This video as wells as others featuring my character Synesthezia, is a bit of both a jab at and honoring of the MMO role-player, an often forgotten segment of the gamer populace actively trying to keep art and poetry in the world of video games.

Laying Out the Welcome Mat

Welcome to Pithy Observations!

Home to the wandering minds of a few good friends, this site will host all our creative talents (or lack thereof in some cases). Hopefully you will enjoy our company with a few good laughs along the way or at the very least, roll your eyes while scoffing and then top it off with a sigh of resignation.
