Monday, April 9, 2012

An Evening with Leiche Katz

I might as well get around to introductions with my characters... and it's about time, I say! I like Leiche Katz a lot as a character. He's certainly talented enough and quite capable as an adventurer. Yet at the same time he is a bit apathetic about the world around him and somewhat resigned to merely being a video game character despite his frustrations with the quirks that entails. He does love his jumjum though!

Alas! The jumjum only lasts so long and soon he will be up to his old antics... which usually means trouble for Toterhund! Although I think I'll make it a point to showcase a couple of my as of yet unseen characters in the next few videos. They are just as quirky as my others, and maybe even a little more fun.

I'd really like to utilize Leiliara pretty soon. She's my Bruiser and while not quite as powerful as Kaberu (yet!) she can kick some hefty butt if the mood takes her. Technically her full name is "Leiliara Ariloulaleelay" which fulfilled two purposes: For one, I loved Star Control and the Arilou Skiff was an awesome little ship. Second, a guild mate had a hard time pronouncing "Leiliara"  (Lay-lee-ar-uh) so I figured I might as well make it near impossible just for the fun of it.

I can be a dick like that sometimes.

Krodhi is a little old man of a gnome and it turns out he has a side job as a travelling merchant which should make for some interesting skits. He's still working his way up the levels, but he's still got some spunk left in his old bones! An interesting little tidbit: Krodhi means "grumpy" in Hindi... at least as far as Google tells me.

And last but not least, I have Toterhund! Not the one you expect though! This Toterhund I made just to reserve the name but I started playing him anyway. He is entirely unrelated to the Toterhund that Leiche pals around with. In the videos I might start referring to him by a different name as it might get a bit confusing. He's sort of a... well, I'll leave that for a surprise I guess. I can say I'll use him to poke fun of people with preconceptions...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video!